Nip Plumbing Problems in the Bud: Why Small Fixes Now Save Big Headaches Later

Imagine this: You hear a faint dripping sound in the background as you go about your day.  It’s just a small leak from the kitchen faucet, nothing that seems urgent. In another room, the sink drains a bit slower than usual. Minor issues, right? But what if these are early warning signs of bigger problems […]

Seasonal Maintenance: Keeping Your Plumbing Safe All Winter

Scully's Plumbing and Heating - pexels eva bronzini 6374566

Winter’s arrival calls for a dedicated approach to home maintenance, especially when it comes to your plumbing. Frozen pipes can wreak havoc on your home, resulting in expensive repairs and extensive water damage. However, with the right knowledge and preparation, you can protect your plumbing from the harsh winter conditions. If you’re not a DIY […]

Drain Cleaning: The First Line of Defense Against Plumbing Woes


Unclogging Unraveled: A Clogged Drain’s Complex Conundrum Drain cleaning – not how a homeowner wants to spend their precious time. As common as it may seem, drain clogs pack a punch with their intricate and demanding nature. However, with considerable time, some elbow grease, and a hefty dose of patience, you can keep the beast […]

How To Insulate Steam Pipes And Reduce Heating Costs 

steam heating system without insulation

According to the US Department of Energy, energy losses can be reduced by up to 90 percent if steam distribution lines are insulated. This means that if your home’s steam pipes leading to your radiator are insulated, you can save significantly on energy costs.  Also, suppose your home or business’s steam pipes already have insulation […]

Unlocking the Warmth: How to Balance Steam Radiators and Keep Every Room Toasty

steam heating radiator with a thermostatic radiator valve (TRV) device

Steam radiators have been a heat source in homes and businesses since their inception in 1855. These heating devices are one of the oldest and arguably most effective ways of heating a home, which is why they are still used globally in businesses and residential buildings.  Even though there are many ways to heat a […]

4 Benefits Of Installing A Whole-House Water Filtration System 

woman drinking clean water filtered bu a whole-house water filtration system installed on Long Island, NY

Did you know that over 46 million people in the US live with either no running water or water that is deemed potentially hazardous to drink? Millions are forced to drink water that doesn’t meet federal health standards. This is a major problem because water is an essential need.  Without water, humans would not survive. […]

Is Filtered Tap Water Safe To Drink? Benefits For Your Family

crystal-clear filtered tap water poured into a glass

In the US, most public water systems collect their water from ground and surface sources for public consumption. Unfortunately, even though this water is treated, it still often contains contaminants. These contaminants come from the source, the treatment process, and your home’s piping.  Due to this, drinking unfiltered tap water can even make you sick […]

What Are TRVs And Why Do We Use Them?

person adjusting a thermostatic radiator valve (TRV) device on a steam heating radiator

With the global cost-of-living crisis unlikely to ease significantly in the coming months and the cost of energy rising, it’s now more important than ever to gain control over your home’s heating.  When looking at ways to save energy and keep costs down in the home, most people turn toward smart meters or smart thermostats. […]

How to Restore Vintage Cast Iron Radiators

Elegant restored vintage steam radiator

Did you know that with the right expertise cast iron vintage radiators can be fully restored to operate on a modern heating system? Despite what you might have been led to believe, most restored radiators are compatible with heat pumps, thermostatic valves, and biomass boilers. Vintage cast iron radiators have a distinctive appearance that many […]

Is Your Steam Radiator Banging, Hissing, Gurgling, or Leaking? 

white steam radiator for heat in a tiled room beneath a window

Even though radiators have been installed in homes for more than 100 years, they remain humble devices that can be complex to understand. This is because most people don’t know what it means when they hear a radiator banging or making other unpleasant sounds. If your steam radiator has been banging, gurgling, hissing, or leaking, […]

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